The Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by the late Reverend S.E. Poe in 1882. The church grew out of a Sunday School that operated on Gilmer Street. The Grant Estate donated property on Butler Street to be used for church purposes. A wooden frame edifice was built on the present church site, the exact date is unknown. Today, The Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is listed on the register of National Historic Sites. The church grew rapidly requiring a larger edifice. Our present Church edifice was erected in 1920, to accommodate the membership in worship and study. The Reverend H.W. Evans led the Church in erecting this structure. During the erection of this structure, Butler Street worshiped jointly with the Holsey Temple C.M.E. Church, which was located on Boulevard Avenue. Through its place as the "Mother Church" of Atlanta Area CME Churches, Butler Street has been the spawning ground for establishing two additional CME Churches. Those being Holsey Temple and West Side Community. In 1940, a major division took place in the life of the congregation which resulted in the organization of the Denson Temple Independent Methodist
Church on Whitehall Street. Many outstanding ministers of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church have pastored Butler Street. The former pastors of Butler Street C.M.E. Church include Reverends S.E. Poe, R.K. Harris, J.W. Irwin, B.J. Cofer, R.A. Carter (later elected Bishop), T.M. Wylie, J.H. Wiggins, C.L. Bonner, W.E. Farmer, W.H. Nelson, J.C. Colclough, N.W. Clark, H.W. Evans, J.C. Anderson, T.T. Taylor, G.L. Word, J.D. Hudson, A.F. Bailey, (served twice), J.T. Singleton (Associate to Rev. Bailey), H.D. Denson, B.J. Jones, T.E. Sibley, R.B. Shorts, H.H. Davis, L.L. Napier, L.W. Jay, T.L. Brown, Sr., R.L. Jackson, III, a second time of ministry by L.W. Jay, A.M. Alford, Sr., Christopher M. Waller.,
Our church membership has always consisted of many of Atlanta's finest business, civic, political, and professional laypersons who have and are making outstanding contributions to our church, city, state, and nation. Many of the major Civil Rights initiatives of the forties, fifties, and
sixties were hosted by Butler Street, and out of those initiatives grew some of Atlanta's most revered names in the African American Community. Butler Street has been known over the years for its service to the community as a friendly, loving, and caring church. Long before it was popular or considered ministry, Butler Street established many ministries that the full community of Atlanta has benefited from. Butler Street was among the first churches anywhere to offer hot meals to the homeless and was recognized for this pioneering ministry by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Atlanta Christian Council. Seeing a need to increase the number of college-bound high school graduates, Butler Street launched a scholarship ministry. Initially, this scholarship rewarded each graduate with a $100.00 scholarship, which today has grown to $1,500.00. Throughout its run of nearly twenty years, the scholarship ministry has awarded more than $75,000.00 to college-bound high school students. These students have gone to colleges and universities throughout the United States and today have taken their rightful roles and places in society. Many of these recipients remain members of Butler Street and are now
contributing to the scholarship fund so that others may benefit as they did. During the ministry of L.W. Jay, Le Centre Cercle was founded as a ministry to young adults. It was through this organization that the scholarship ministry was born. Through all of her storied history, Butler
Street has preserved the spirit of her ancestors who cherished and claimed their sonship and daughters through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today Butler Street is one of Atlanta's oldest and most historic churches. It is and always has been a leader in the ecumenical community of faith. Throughout the greater Atlanta Community Butler Street has shown itself as a beacon of hope to a people on the brink of despair.
In August of 1995 Anthony M. Alford, Sr. was named the thirty-first Pastor of Butler Street. Pastor Alford brought a new sense of energy and excitement to Butler Street and continued the Butler Street legacy while at the same time continuing the claim of Butler Street's leadership in the religious circles of Atlanta. This claim of leadership continued through THE STEWARDSHIP FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN, which Pastor Alford began in March of 1996. This visionary ministry of spiritual discipline and church growth had as its aim the centering of the entire work of the
church on the true mission of the church. It has three essential components. They are 1) A church diligent in study, 2) A church growing in faith, and 3) A church active in witness. The intent is to nurture persons to grow from membership to discipleship. At the July Church
Conference of 1996, upon recommendation from Pastor Alford, Butler Street initiated the Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Program. This thirty-four-week study of the whole Bible focuses on disciplined daily study, weekly group conversation and sharing, and mutual support. Ideally, it brings 12 persons and a group leader together in a small group setting. The model is that of Jesus and His disciples. In our initial year, more than forty persons participated in three classes. The first graduation took place on July 27, 1997. Since the time of the program's initiation nearly 40% of the church membership has now participated in the program. Today boasting over 50 different ministries, Butler Street continues to give hope to all who seek to be saved through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Additionally, our ministry of God's Word is central to all we do. We now offer MasterLife Bible Study, Disciple One, Two, Three, and Four, and Pastor's Bible Study Classes as well as thematic Bible Study Classes such as Purpose Driven Life Classes. These classes are all in addition to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. All of our Bible Study classes are geared and designed to give a greater understanding of God's Word in our lives and to cause us to live lives owned, possessed, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Through all of this, our walk of discipleship with Jesus Christ as the Master of our lives continues to be enriched and our witness continues to be expanded. Additionally, in 1996, the church launched a capital campaign called the ONE BY ONE effort. This special campaign was the largest financial effort ever mounted by Butler Street. The results were more solid financial footing for the church and the establishment of the church's first investment portfolio. All glory to
God is given for the success of this campaign.
As we reflect upon our rich history and tradition, we must not allow the achievements and accomplishments of our past to stifle or cut off our forward progression and movement. God is ever calling us to new heights and new occasions with new duties and challenges. As we now have entered a new millennium of service and ministry, we have reached congregational acknowledgment that we have outlived and outgrown our current location. Consensus has been arrived at that for us to effectively carry out our mandate of Kingdom building in the lives and hearts of our congregates and community, we must have facilities that match our ministry needs and opportunities. We are now seeking to put in place the financial engine to help us meet this end so that a new more expansive and ministry-centered facility can be erected. Thus, we renew our understanding of being a "chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's very own people." We are therefore proclaiming the mighty acts of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. With the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts, we must continue our vision of community service, our emphasis on both knowing and loving the studied word of God, the preached word, and the full engagement of The Holy Spirit in everything we do. For truly we are "Building our Hopes On Things Eternal".
In July 2010, Pastor Christopher M. Waller was appointed to Butler Street. Working under the new theme “Doing Ministry and Bringing Lost Souls to Christ,” Pastor Waller ushered in a renewed era of ministry, discipleship, leadership, and service to the church and surrounding community. The H.U.G.S. (Helping Unto God’s Service) Ministry flourished as the champion ministry of the church, serving hot meals to over 150 individuals weekly. More ministries are on the rise to serve the needs of our current and future community, such as Social Concerns and Health. In addition to building and strengthening ministries over the past eight years, Pastor Waller spearheaded enhancement projects within the church to become more relevant and current amongst the membership and community members. The use of email marketing tools, social media, and investments in audio and visual equipment has greatly enhanced the overall worship experience and
how the church interacts with the community.
In 2022 Pastor Curtis L. West, Jr., was appointed to Butler Street Christian Methodist Church, he has faithfully served as pastor of, St. Rest, Spring Hill (North), and Carter Chapel C.M.E. churches in the Louisiana Annual Conference, Israel C.M.E. Church in Cornelia, Georgia, Usher’s Temple C.M.E. Church in Fort Valley, Georgia, Bethel C.M.E. Church in Macon, GA and the historic John R. Lynch Street C.M.E. Church in Jackson, MS​​. He is an Ordained Elder in Full Connection in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, He actively participates in organizations such as the SCLC, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, NAACP, Optimist International Club, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. His commitment extends to serving on various boards. Pastor West is now leading Historic Butler Street through the process of building our new home which will be located at 2582 Beeler St. Atlanta, GA.
The Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by the late Reverend S.E. Poe in 1882. The church grew out of a Sunday School that operated on Gilmer Street. The Grant Estate donated property on Butler Street to be used for church purposes. A wooden frame edifice was built on the present church site, the exact date is unknown. Today, The Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal Church is listed on the register of National Historic Sites. The church grew rapidly requiring a larger edifice. Our present Church edifice was erected in 1920, to accommodate the membership in worship and study. The Reverend H.W. Evans led the Church in erecting this structure. During the erection of this structure, Butler Street worshiped jointly with the Holsey Temple C.M.E. Church, which was located on Boulevard Avenue. Through its place as the "Mother Church" of Atlanta Area CME Churches, Butler Street has been the spawning ground for establishing two additional CME Churches. Those being Holsey Temple and West Side Community. In 1940, a major division took place in the life of the congregation which resulted in the organization of the Denson Temple Independent Methodist
Church on Whitehall Street. Many outstanding ministers of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church have pastored Butler Street. The former pastors of Butler Street C.M.E. Church include Reverends S.E. Poe, R.K. Harris, J.W. Irwin, B.J. Cofer, R.A. Carter (later elected Bishop), T.M. Wylie, J.H. Wiggins, C.L. Bonner, W.E. Farmer, W.H. Nelson, J.C. Colclough, N.W. Clark, H.W. Evans, J.C. Anderson, T.T. Taylor, G.L. Word, J.D. Hudson, A.F. Bailey, (served twice), J.T. Singleton (Associate to Rev. Bailey), H.D. Denson, B.J. Jones, T.E. Sibley, R.B. Shorts, H.H. Davis, L.L. Napier, L.W. Jay, T.L. Brown, Sr., R.L. Jackson, III, a second time of ministry by L.W. Jay, A.M. Alford, Sr., Christopher M. Waller, Rev. Dr. Curtis L. West,
Our church membership has always consisted of many of Atlanta's finest business, civic, political, and professional laypersons who have and are making outstanding contributions to our church, city, state, and nation. Many of the major Civil Rights initiatives of the forties, fifties, and sixties were hosted by Butler Street, and out of those initiatives grew some of Atlanta's most revered names in the African American Community. Butler Street has been known over the years for its service to the community as a friendly, loving, and caring church. Long before it was popular or considered ministry, Butler Street established many ministries that the full community of Atlanta has benefited from. Butler Street was among the first churches anywhere to offer hot meals to the homeless and was recognized for this pioneering ministry by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The Atlanta Christian Council. Seeing a need to increase the number of college-bound high school graduates, Butler Street launched a scholarship ministry. Initially, this scholarship rewarded each graduate with a $100.00 scholarship, which today has grown to $1,500.00. Throughout its run of nearly twenty years, the scholarship ministry has awarded more than $75,000.00 to college-bound high school students. These students have gone to colleges and universities throughout the United States and today have taken their rightful roles and places in society. Many of these recipients remain members of Butler Street and are now contributing to the scholarship fund so that others may benefit as they did. During the ministry of L.W. Jay, Le Centre Cercle was founded as a ministry to young adults. It was through this organization that the scholarship ministry was born. Through all of her storied history, Butler Street has preserved the spirit of her ancestors who cherished and claimed their sonship and daughters through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today Butler Street is one of Atlanta's oldest and most historic churches. It is and always has been a leader in the ecumenical community of faith. Throughout the greater Atlanta Community Butler Street has shown itself as a beacon of hope to a people on the brink of despair.
In August of 1995 Anthony M. Alford, Sr. was named the thirty-first Pastor of Butler Street. Pastor Alford brought a new sense of energy and excitement to Butler Street and continued the Butler Street legacy while at the same time continuing the claim of Butler Street's leadership in the religious circles of Atlanta. This claim of leadership continued through THE STEWARDSHIP FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN, which Pastor Alford began in March of 1996. This visionary ministry of spiritual discipline and church growth had as its aim the centering of the entire work of the church on the true mission of the church. It has three essential components. They are 1) A church diligent in study, 2) A church growing in faith, and 3) A church active in witness. The intent is to nurture persons to grow from membership to discipleship. At the July Church Conference of 1996, upon recommendation from Pastor Alford, Butler Street initiated the Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study Program. This thirty-four-week study of the whole Bible focuses on disciplined daily study, weekly group conversation and sharing, and mutual support. Ideally, it brings 12 persons and a group leader together in a small group setting. The model is that of Jesus and His disciples. In our initial year, more than forty persons participated in three classes. The first graduation took place on July 27, 1997. Since the time of the program's initiation nearly 40% of the church membership has now participated in the program. Today boasting over 50 different ministries, Butler Street continues to give hope to all who seek to be saved through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Additionally, our ministry of God's Word is central to all we do. We now offer MasterLife Bible Study, Disciple One, Two, Three, and Four, and Pastor's Bible Study Classes as well as thematic Bible Study Classes such as Purpose Driven Life Classes. These classes are all in addition to Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. All of our Bible Study classes are geared and designed to give a greater understanding of God's Word in our lives and to cause us to live lives owned, possessed, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Through all of this, our walk of discipleship with Jesus Christ as the Master of our lives continues to be enriched and our witness continues to be expanded. Additionally, in 1996, the church launched a capital campaign called the ONE BY ONE effort. This special campaign was the largest financial effort ever mounted by Butler Street. The results were more solid financial footing for the church and the establishment of the church's first investment portfolio. All glory to God is given for the success of this campaign.
As we reflect upon our rich history and tradition, we must not allow the achievements and accomplishments of our past to stifle or cut off our forward progression and movement. God is ever calling us to new heights and new occasions with new duties and challenges. As we now have entered a new millennium of service and ministry, we have reached congregational acknowledgment that we have outlived and outgrown our current location. Consensus has been arrived at that for us to effectively carry out our mandate of Kingdom building in the lives and hearts of our congregates and community, we must have facilities that match our ministry needs and opportunities. We are now seeking to put in place the financial engine to help us meet this end so that a new more expansive and ministry-centered facility can be erected. Thus, we renew our understanding of being a "chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's very own people." We are therefore proclaiming the mighty acts of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. With the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts, we must continue our vision of community service, our emphasis on both knowing and loving the studied word of God, the preached word, and the full engagement of The Holy Spirit in everything we do. For truly we are "Building our Hopes On Things Eternal".
In July 2010, Pastor Christopher M. Waller was appointed to Butler Street. Working under the new theme “Doing Ministry and Bringing Lost Souls to Christ,” Pastor Waller ushered in a renewed era of ministry, discipleship, leadership, and service to the church and surrounding community. The H.U.G.S. (Helping Unto God’s Service) Ministry flourished as the champion ministry of the church, serving hot meals to over 150 individuals weekly. More ministries are on the rise to serve the needs of our current and future community, such as Social Concerns and Health. In addition to building and strengthening ministries over the past eight years, Pastor Waller spearheaded enhancement projects within the church to become more relevant and current amongst the membership and community members. The use of email marketing tools, social media, and investments in audio and visual equipment has greatly enhanced the overall worship experience and how the church interacts with the community.
In 2022 Pastor Curtis L. West, Jr., was appointed to Butler Street Christian Methodist Church, he has faithfully served as pastor of, St. Rest, Spring Hill (North), and Carter Chapel C.M.E. churches in the Louisiana Annual Conference, Israel C.M.E. Church in Cornelia, Georgia, Usher’s Temple C.M.E. Church in Fort Valley, Georgia, Bethel C.M.E. Church in Macon, GA and the historic John R. Lynch Street C.M.E. Church in Jackson, MS​​. He is an Ordained Elder in Full Connection in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, He actively participates in organizations such as the SCLC, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, NAACP, Optimist International Club, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. His commitment extends to serving on various boards. Pastor West is now leading Historic Butler Street through the process of building our new home which will be located at 2582 Beeler St. Atlanta, GA.